
Welcome to Shizuka Blog

At the beginning of each episode of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," after the scene opens up inside Fred Rogers's house, the first thing one sees is the flashing yellow light of the stoplight in his kitchen. It is a sign to the viewer to "slow down," that in Mr. Rogers's world, peace and patience and gentleness reign. It is a fitting symbol for a program that brought immeasurable tranquility to countless children in turbulent homes. Even for this adult father, the yellow light reminds me I'm about to enter a world for which slowness and calm will produce optimum results.

My desire for this marginal space in the blogosphere is to be a slowly flashing yellow light. I want the readers who come here to find a quiet and gentle space, a welcome respite from the oft-times turbulent and trivial land of blogdom. I contribute to two other weblogs, both of which specialize in spirited discussion and debate. I am not opposed to such endeavors, and indeed find them very profitable. But you won't find that here.

What I want Shizuka Blog to be is a place of meditative calm (prompting rest) that is nevertheless consistently rooted in the Word of God (providing edification). In this Zen garden, the fruit of the Spirit grows.
Every post will be specifically designed to encourage or edify, or to provoke meditation on the Word, or to in some other way bless you. This will be a matter of discipline and ministry to me, even as I am trying to minister to you.

If you happen to find this quiet space, I hope you will return frequently and find here rest and restoration.